Topic: Chapter Books

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane – Part 2

Edward’s miraculous journey takes him a long way from his first home and he ends up travelling miles and miles. However in the end, he winds up back home again where he began. Think of a time that you took a long trip away from home: where did you go and for how long? How … Continued

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane – Part 4

Since Edward travels far and wide on his miraculous journey, his costume and the setting change along with his new companions. Choose one of the settings and draw a picture that includes Edward’s costume and the setting.

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane – Part 9

Edward loves his treasured pocket watch, as time is very important to him. We use time-telling to help us know when it’s time for bed, time for dinner, when our favorite show is on, and for too many other things to list! Write a story about a time that you lost track of time and … Continued

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane – Part 1

This is a story about a china rabbit doll that has had many different owners who love and care about him very much. Have you ever had, or do you have a toy or doll that you love like Edward’s owners love him? Write about that toy or doll and what makes it special to … Continued