Topic: Compassion and Empathy


How do we help each other through it? Is it OK to joke about it?

Kind Thoughts

Notice how your mood changes as your thoughts change!

The Hula Hoopin’ Queen

Listen to Oprah read a book called The Hula Hoopin’ Queen, about a girl who also learns to think about others!


Can you think of some of your favorite friendships from books, TV, or movies? Just like those characters the characters in this video are great friends that always help each other and have each other’s back. As you watch this video try and think of ways you can be like these characters with the people … Continued

The Bad Seed

Do you sometimes have a hard time getting along with other people in your house? Do you believe that everyone can change their ways? Let’s read The Bad Seed, and see what happens when one person learns a little about what others need.

Same Difference

Listen as an awesome teacher reads a story about best friends. It’s called Same Difference, and no matter what age you are, we think you will love this story


Today we will meet a grumpy monkey and see how his mood affects his friends. Do you think your friend grumpiness affect you? What would you tell your friend so they could feel better?

Finding Beauty in Life

There are so many wonderful things about life, both in good times and bad. This book helps us find beauty and connect with our feelings through the eyes of the worlds animals. Hope you love this book, called Life, as much as we do!